Snowmass Summer study conference will be held 17-26 July 2022, Seattle, USA. See iNSPIRE Hep website for further information. Ed Daw representing QSHS.
IDM2022, 18-22 July 2022, Vienna
QSHS will be present at this meeting, to be held in Vienna, Austria. Further information on the event is available at
QSHS members will be attending this workshop to discuss Quantum Physics for fundamental physics as explored using low temperature techniques. Further details and booking information: see IOP events.
Commercialising Quantum, 17-19 May 2022
QSHS project members are attending the Commercialising Quantum event. From qubits to profits: achieving near-term quantum advantage. May 17-19th 2022. Virtual and in person event. Free event.
Pint of Science event, 10th May 2022, by Dr Edward Laird. The Crafty Scholar pub, Lancaster. Talk about how quantum mechanics sets an ultimate limit on the sensitivity that any amplifier can achieve and how quantum technology also gives us a way to evade that limit.
Wavy Dark Matter Summer, incorporating the 17th PATRAS workshop, 13th July -15th August 2022 (PATRAS 8th-12th August 2022). Further information is available at Call for abstracts – deadline submission 8 May 2022.

Our outreach event held on 3rd March 2022 celebrated World Book Day exploring the science behind Phillip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy:- See
QSHS Events
This is where you will find out about our forthcoming and previous events where QSHS will have a presence.